
Dam at Whitin Mill
Dam at Whitin Mill
Dam at Whitin Mill
Dam at Whitin Mill

Sustainability is one of those words that can mean different things to different people. When we speak about sustainability in the Blackstone Valley we are referring to a process of continuous improvement where communities are able to flow with changing conditions and constantly evolve and adapt to accomplish their goals while at the same time preserving the natural environment and distinctive historic and cultural features that make the Valley such a special place.

The sustainability of Blackstone Valley communities depends on creating and maintaining its economic and environmental health, preserving its cultural and historical heritage, promoting social equity, and fostering broad-based citizen participation in planning and implementation. We believe that the very same creative innovation that gave birth to the American Industrial Revolution is alive and well in the people of the Blackstone Valley Corridor. Once again, it will take the activation of that innovative spirit and capability to face the challenges of the 21st Century.

Blackstone Valley Corridor partners see the Valley as many interconnected systems which make up the whole. From this broad-based systems-understanding the partners will work together on these key areas of a Sustainable Blackstone Valley:

  1. Sustainable Environment
  2. Sustainable Economy
  3. Sustainable Place (Land Use, Transportation, Built Form, Preservation of Culture and History)
Valley Partners are working together to create a Corridor-wide Sustainability Strategy that will include:
  • broad and diverse involvement of citizens
  • the creation of a collective vision for the future
  • the development of principles of sustainability
  • an inventory of existing assets and resources and additional assets that would benefit the community
  • clear, measurable goals
  • the development of community indicators to evaluate progress
  • open and transparent communication
  • key catalytic projects to engage citizens
  • early, visible results
  • celebration of success

To become part of the process to create a more sustainable Blackstone Valley, send an email to our .